Welcome to the Games Zone
Your monthly challenge
Are you ready for the 999 Ted Monthly challenge?
If so, let’s go!! Select one of the items from this website every month and learn vital information and life skills! One of the challenges could be learning what to do when you have to ring 999 or finding out if your home or school’s First Aid kit contains all necessary items and nothing is out of date. Your teacher or parent/carer can check that you have passed the challenge and give you a score from 7 to 10 when you have passed. Make it more fun and get your friends or your teacher and the whole class involved if you wish!
Click below to download our monthly challenge sheets
Road Safety
The Think! Education website has information for parents about how to help keep children safe on the road and home-link sheets for you to complete with your child related to the classroom activities that your child might have completed in school. There are also fun teaching ideas for early years (Under 5s), lower primary (Key Stage 1) and upper primary (Key Stage 2). Timings, resource lists and curriculum links are provided.
You may also wish to look at the pupils’ area with your child, which contains road safety resources including stories and games. You can order free road safety resources on the Department for Transport catalogue.
Go to the Think! Education website
Here are some games children can play and learn to be safe on the road
Age 3 – 6 – Be Bright Be Seen Game
Age 7 – 12 – Take The Lead Game
Let’s get active!
Fun generator
Change4Life has over 100 fun activities to keep kids up and about during the holidays – and it’s easy to find the perfect one with our mobile fun generator!
Go to the fun generator website
Exercise and Nutrition
BBC Bitesize have some great K1 & K2 Exercise and Nutrition Clips. Check them out!